- Getting Around the Hospital: Discuss a hospital open house, file an insurance claim, plan welcoming remarks, talk about medical insurance coverage, etc.
- At the Medical School: Discuss a medical condition with a colleague, human embryonic stem cell research, research results, present a case, talk about anatomy, etc.
- In the ER: Medical History: Ask a patient about his use of medication, about a patient’s medical history, discuss a patient’s symptoms/treatment, take a medical history, etc.
- In the ER: Physical Exam: Discuss a case with a colleague, a mental-sate case with a colleague, examine an unconscious patient, perform a general checkup/exam, etc.
- On the Surgical Ward: Describe an operating room, discuss surgical procedures with a colleague, talk about pre-surgery routines, etc.
- Procedures & Tests: Discuss an MRI procedure with a colleague, test results with a patient, expalin how to read an EEG, the CT scan procedure to a patient, talk about problems taking a blood sample, etc.
- At the pharmacy: Discuss medication with an adult patient, double-check a prescription, explain about medicines, instruct a patient on how to take medication, read a prescription, etc.
- LPN in a Nursing Home: Ask about a patient’s use of medication, communicate with a resident’s family, discuss a case at a meeting, give a change-of-shift report, talk about a patient’s care, etc.
- Nurse Practitioner or PA: Advise about healthy travelling, ask for a patient’s personal details, deal with a minor injury, discuss symptoms and treatment with a patient, expalin travel immunizations, etc.
- Nurse Midwife: Advise about problems during pregnancy, discuss postpartum issues with a patient, examine a newborn, talk with a colleague about the first physical exam of pregnancy, etc.
- O.R. Nurse: Ask a patient pre-surgery questions, assist a colleague to prepare a patient for surgery, deal with a patient in respiratory distress, explain the pre-surgery procedure to a patient, etc.
- Public Health Nurse: Education: Discuss teen issues, examine a pupil, enquire about a pupil’s health issues, talk about infectious diseases, talk with a high school class about alcohol, etc.
- Public Health Nurse: Clinical: Discuss a special needs child with a colleague, discuss STD test results with a patient, talk about communicable diseases, talk with a new mother, etc.
- Psychiatric Nurse: Ask about a patient’s use of medication, communicate with a patient’s family, give schedule information to a new patient, take a medical histoy, etc.
- Critical Care Nurse: Deal with a case of cardiac arrest, discuss a patient transfer with a colleague, explain a special procedure to a patient, handle an emergency situation, perform a resuscitation, etc.
Todos estos contenidos se completan con: Role Plays, ejercicios de writing, simulaciones de llamadas telefónicas, etc.
Todo ello a través de un enfoque didáctico y ameno, en el que tu pronunciación tendrá un antes y un después gracias a la práctica continua que te ofrece nuestra plataforma, con un sistema de reconocimiento de voz único, que te permitirá grabarte y escucharte cuantas veces quieras hasta que alcances la perfección.
Así que, si tu reto es mejorar tu inglés desde casa, sin interrupciones y con garantías, no lo pienses más y ponte en contacto con nosotros para saber más de este curso.
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